
mosaic illustrating economics

Economics is a social science concerned with how individuals, institutions and society make optimal choices under conditions of scarcity. Scarcity restricts options and demands choices. Because we “can’t have it all,” we must decide what we will have and what we must forgo. Since rational economic decisions have to be made at every level, economics applies to individuals, groups, families, markets, and the entire economy. It teaches one to analyze given situations critically making use of available data under the conditions of uncertainty. The Associate in Arts in Economics for Transfer is designed to prepare students for a seamless transfer into the CSU system to complete a baccalaureate degree in Economics or similar major. 

Nathan Placencia
(818) 778-5898
Office Location
CC 244
Office Hours
email for availability


Philosophy, Economics, and Jewish Studies


Social and Behavioral Sciences

Business, Entrepreneurship, and Law


Economic Degrees

Click the tabs below to find out about the Economic degrees.

  • The AA degree is designed for students who plan to transfer into a Business Major. 

Economics AA 


  • The AA-T is designed for students who plan to transfer to a CSU.

Economics AA-T


Full-time Faculty

Name Contact Information

Tyler Prante

Wesley Oliphant



Adjunct Faculty

Name Contact Information

Ara Khanjian

Diane Cunningham

Ercument Aksoy (Emeritus)

Meric Keskinel

Richard Slotkin








Faculty Profiles

Click below to learn about the Economics faculty.

photo of Tyler Prante
  • Professor of Economics and former Department Chair for Philosophy, Economics, and Jewish Studies. He has been working at LAVC since 2010.
  • He regularly teaches Principles of Microeconomics, Principles of Macroeconomics, and U.S. Economic History.  He has also taught Environmental Economics, Comparative Economic Systems, Labor Economics, Intermediate Microeconomics,  and Business Statistics.
  • Outside of work, Professor Prante loves to watch the Dodgers, ride bikes, enjoy a good meal, and goof off with friends.


photo of Wesley Oliphant
  • Bachelor's from UC Berkeley, Master's from University of Birmingham, Doctorate from UC Irvine.
  • Teaching at LAVC since 2016, previously at Chapman University and Cal State Fullerton.
  • Focus on teaching economics and critical thinking.
  • Courses at LAVC: Econ 1, Econ 2, Econ 10.
  • Enjoys jogging, audiobooks, and podcasts.
  • Recommends "Freakonomics" and "Odd Lots" podcasts.